GCSE Results

The Maelor School – GCSE Results Press Release.
The Maelor School continues to deliver some of the best GCSE outcomes in the country.
Pupils were celebrating at The Maelor School this morning as they picked up their GCSE results. The results continue to be amongst the best in Wales with around a third achieving at least 5A*s and A’s.
Headteacher Simon Ellis stated, “It’s really pleasing to see the pupils achieve such excellent grades, it reflects their hard work and determination over the past five years.”
Deputy Headteacher Katherine Garratt-Smith said, “We have worked hard to demonstrate the importance of dedication and resilience. It’s so pleasing to see the outcomes when their hard work has paid off. Much credit should be given to their hardworking parents who have supported them and us superbly.”
Assistant Headteacher Nicky Preston added “We have worked hard to foster a strong sense of belonging and community spirit, I’m so happy that they have done so well, not only in their academic studies but with supporting and encouraging each other. They are a lovely year group, it was so nice to see them all at our recent prom and now I want to wish them the best for their future, whether it is with us at our sixth form or in their jobs and apprenticeships.”