Happy GCSE results day!!!

The Maelor School – GCSE Results 2020.
The Maelor School welcomed our year 11’s back some five months since they last left due to the lockdown. It was so pleasing to see so many happy smiling faces as they collected their GCSE results assessed by the school on the basis of their work over the last five years.
Headteacher Simon Ellis said “What a fantastic day, much has been said over the last few weeks and these young people have had to deal with much uncertainty and worry about their futures. I’m so pleased to see that their hard work and dedication has been rewarded with these fantastic results. Many of our pupils plus a good number from other schools are joining our Sixth form next year so we are delighted to be continuing to work with them. For the others that are taking courses at college or exciting apprenticeship opportunities we wish them the very best of luck. After such a disrupted few months its great to see the school full of enthusiastic young learners again.”
Deputy Headteacher Lynn Lloyd commented “I am so proud of our pupils, this has been an extremely difficult time for them but they have shown great determination and commitment to their studies. I wish them well and every success for their futures. We were able to given them their leavers hoodies and photographs today and we will be arranging a leavers prom over the next few months, I look forward to seeing them then.”