January 2021

Late yesterday afternoon we received this letter (below) and I have been clarifying the situation for The Maelor School with our governing body.
As can be seen below we will be providing online learning from Tuesday 5th January until Friday 8th January and our intention is to start all pupils back on the 11th January.
I completely understand the disruption that this may cause and can only apologise that there appears to be insufficient notice given when these shifts in policy happen.
The definition below of “critical frontline workers” has been communicated as “blue light” responders essential for the response to the pandemic. I will provide details towards the start of January for informing us if you need the pupils to be present. (It is likely that they will be supervised whilst completing the online work, no additional lessons will be set whilst in school)
I have received no information about Covid testing in school, if and when I do I will communicate this with you alongside any plans or proposals.
We do have a small number of pupils in Key Stage 4 and 5 who have a scheduled BTEC exams / assessments. We will be contacting these pupils directly as they will be required in school to complete these.
May I wish your families and happy and peaceful Christmas. I alongside all of the staff are wishing for a speedy return to normality and the daily interactions that makes school special.
Thank you for your continued support
Simon Ellis
Dear Parent/Carer
I would like to thank you for your continued support during this very difficult term. It has been extremely challenging and we appreciate the continued impact that this situation is having on all of our lives. Unfortunately, as we start to make arrangements for the Christmas break, the situation is rapidly changing. As you will have seen in the news, a national statement has been made regarding the beginning of the new term.
In consideration of the rapidly changing picture, Local Authorities have been advised by the Welsh Government that a flexible approach at the beginning of the term will be necessary, particularly as it is anticipated that numbers may rise following the Christmas break. As a result, we have considered the best and safest way to put in place arrangements for the new term. This has been done with the Local Authority and the Governing Body.
As you are already aware, we have INSET at the start of the term. The new term will begin on Tuesday 5th January and education provision will made through online learning for the first week of term. This decision has been taken on the basis of the local context and concerns regarding the potential position after the Christmas break. Face to face provision will be available for children of critical workers and children who are considered to be vulnerable on the third day of opening. However, it is understood that provision may be required for some children of frontline critical workers on the first two of the online learning days. If you require provision and are unable to make alternative arrangements please contact us on Monday 4th January so that we can discuss the required support. (I will provide details of how to do this towards the start of January)
Whilst it is intended for all pupils to be in school for face to face learning by Monday, 11th January, 2021, if it is safe to do so, we will contact early during the week ending 8th to inform of arrangements for the following week.
We appreciate that this is a very stressful and anxious time for you and would like to thank you for your continued support and understanding.