Pupils & facilities at The Maelor School

Key Workers Education Provision

Key Workers Education Provision(Posted on 19/03/20)

Key Workers Education Provision – The Maelor School


As per the governments requirements The Maelor School will be open On Monday to provide learning for children of key workers and vulnerable pupils.

The definition we have received is as follows:-

Key  workers


If you are a key worker your child can attend The Maelor School from 8.55am until 3.30pm weekdays. This is not compulsory and you may choose to educate your child using our online resources if you prefer.


Please note that all pupils except those receiving free school meals will need to bring a packed lunch with them.


We have been told that the Local Authority “free” transport will still run but I am afraid our “paid for” Pats Coaches will not be running. Therefore unless your child has a pass for local authority transport they will need to be brought at the start time and collected at the end of school. There will not be any after school provision.


I will need to organise staffing on a demand basis so please email me by noon Saturday 21st March at [email protected] to book a place or to ask any questions.  Please include your child's name, form, contact number and the role of your employment as a key worker in your email.


As previously it is very important that pupils with a new persistent cough or a fever are NOT sent into school as per the government advice, they should remain off school for 14 days. Pupils with these symptoms will be sent home from this provision.



Yours sincerely



Simon Ellis
