Latest update 7th January 2021

UPDATE 7/1/21
Dear Parent / Carer/ Pupils and Students,
As you will be aware the Welsh Government have extended the period of home schooling until the 18th January so the arrangements made this week will continue through next week as well.
Given the announcements from England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, I am anticipating that there may still be some changes to this date but as of now we have not heard of any extension.
I want you to be aware that behind the scenes we are lobbying hard to ensure that our pupils get sufficient notice and information about examinations and other assessments to give them time to plan. The current internal and external testing deadlines assume that school started back after Christmas as normal.
I will update the website and our social media as soon as we know any more.
Lastly, I’d like to thank the large number of pupils that are engaging well with our online learning offer, if you are experiencing any difficulties please contact us and we will see what we can do.
Simon Ellis
Dear Parent / Carer / Student
Just before school ended, we were informed that all schools in Wrexham would be commencing “online” learning for the first week of term. During next week, a decision will be taken by the Welsh Government, Local Authority and School as to whether we will be resuming “face to face” teaching on Monday 11th January.
Monday 4th January will continue to be a school “training day”. All staff will be engaged throughout the day in meetings and learning sessions with two main objectives.
- Continue to improve and enhance the online learning offer available.
- Receive training and prepare for the new law and procedures around supporting pupils with Additional Learning Needs.
Online learning will then start on Tuesday 5th January. (WEEK 2 of our 2-week timetable) As previously communicated all pupils should attempt to follow their usual timetable. Codes for classrooms and details can be found here :-
Teaching staff will be available during school hours to answer queries or to hand in work, their usual email addresses should be used.
If you require technical support to access the online learning please email our ICT support team at [email protected]
Should you be concerned about the welfare or wellbeing of any of our young people please email our safeguarding team. [email protected] or [email protected]
To discuss the content of the online work or to enquire about codes please contact our Deputy Headteacher [email protected]
Until we start back at school “face to face” there will be no transport provided, refunds and finance adjustments will be made during January, this is not a simple task so will take some time.
The school has not received any information about within school testing for Covid, I will of course let you know what the procedures are if this takes place.
The school will be again coordinating facilities for Critical workers children to be supervised during the school day. The guidance we have received states that :-“ Face to face provision will be available for children of critical workers and children who are considered to be vulnerable on the third day of opening.”
Critical workers children will not be taught extra lessons in school and will be supervised by a limited number of staff, they will use our IT facilities to access the same lessons as those who are at home. Unfortunately, there won’t be any school based transport available and no canteen staff will be on site.
If you need this facility and are otherwise unable to work please email me [email protected] with details of the pupils name, form, days required and the nature of your employment. Please give sufficient notice that I can coordinate a rota of available staff (who aren’t also delivering online learning).
Lastly, I’d like to again pass my thanks to you for your support and understanding. Our aim will continue to be to ensure that our learners receive the best possible education whilst in our care. Please keep and eye on our social media platforms and our website for any changes to the current situation.
Simon Ellis