New Year 7 Information

Information for Year 7 Starting Friday 3rd September.
We are really excited to be welcoming our new year 7 on Friday and I wanted to provide a little information and guidance to support the start.
The day will run under normal school hours but there will only be year 7 and our new sixth formers in school. We will be treating it as our usual “transition” day, so its purpose is to get to know both the school and how things work.
Getting here
All the Pat’s Coaches and Local Authority transport will run. We have the passes for the LA transport and will give this out on the day so pupils should simply wait at the stop and get on the bus when it arrives. For our Pat’s Coaches we are making some last min adjustments to the timetable so please keep an eye out on the website for the timings and stops – we aim to update this during the day tomorrow 2/9. If you choose to bring your child in, please come to reception before 8.50am.
It is a requirement to wear a face covering on school transport so please have one.
Once here
Pupils will be met at the bus bay and at reception and taken to the school hall where they will meet the staff and their new form. We will be showing pupils around the school, explaining what happens in the event of a fire and discussing how school works with them. They will have an assembly, learn what to do at break and lunchtime and spend sometime exploring their thoughts and ideas about starting new school. They will have a couple of lessons towards the end of the day, but they will not need any specialist equipment. We will end the lessons early and ensure that all are on the correct buses or picked up by parents (again at reception).
What to bring
All pupils will need on Friday is a pencil case with the usual equipment and a school bag. They should bring a packed lunch as our canteen will not be fully operational. A sandwich meal will be provided by the school for those who qualify for free school meals.
We would like the pupils to wear their new school uniform and appropriate shoes as per the information sent out at the end of last year. If any items have been “out of stock” or difficult to source, please send a small note explaining this.
Covid 19
Apart from school transport there is no longer a requirement to wear a face covering in school, pupils are free to do so if they wish. There is hand sanitiser to be used on entry to classrooms. Despite everyone looking forward to the day a pupil should NOT attend if they have symptoms of Covid, have tested positive or have been identified as a close link of a positive case.
If you have any questions or would like clarification, please contact us on the usual numbers.
Simon Ellis