Pupils & facilities at The Maelor School

Parent guidance and SIGN UP here. SIGN UP NOW CLOSED

Parent guidance and SIGN UP here.  SIGN UP NOW CLOSED(Posted on 14/06/20)

Guidance for Parents and Pupils – Reopening of The Maelor School 29/6/20


Version 1. This guidance is correct as of 14/6, as new information becomes available, it may be updated

Firstly can I thank all parents for the supportive and adaptive way in which you have been responding to the ever-changing school landscape. It is essential that you read the details below before booking a place.

For years 7-10 In order to access the provision, you must book a place using this form by WEDNESDAY 17th JUNE 5.30pm:-



If you do not need a place, you do not need to complete this form.

For year 12, a separate form will be sent to you in due course.

When is school open and for which year groups?

Week Beginning







Year 10

Year 9

Yr 12 by invitation

Year 8

Year 7


Year 10

Year 9

Yr 12 by invitation

Year 8

Year 7


Year 10

Year 9

Proposed Yr 6 Transition day*

Year 8

Year 7


Year 10

Year 9

Proposed Yr 11 to Sixth form transition day *

Year 8

Year 7


*These transition days are proposed dates and the details will be finalised over the next few weeks.

School Session

The pupils will be in school for the full day 9am until 3pm. They will be allocated into groups of 8 pupils in a school bubble. This group will be kept together throughout the 4 weeks (4 days in total) and will have the same one teacher. This is to comply with guidance reducing the contact between different groups of pupils. They will be placed in a class where the desks are 2m apart. They will need to maintain this “social distance” throughout the day.

The will have supervised Break and Lunchtimes, again these will be with the same pupils.


The content of the 4 days will depend on the year group of the pupils. There will be a mix of supportive wellbeing activities as well as sessions detailing common misconceptions and content to support the online work. As detailed in the Welsh Government guidance the focus in not on new learning material but on supporting both pupils’ online work and their wellbeing in these difficult times.

The start and end of the day

All pupils should be dropped off and picked up from the school bus bay. Signs and staff will be on hand to explain exactly where. Unless using before or after school provision, pupils should be dropped off between 8.40 and 9.00am and picked up between 3.00 and 3.20pm.

Reception will not be open for parents / pupils and the main front entrance of the school should not be used. Parents wishing to speak to the school should telephone reception on 01948 830291 in the usual manner.

Picking the groups of 8

Since the first details for the opening of schools plan came out the school has received a large volume of requests for groups of friends to be selected. As you might imagine, the coordination and organisation of the groups is a large task. It can’t be done until we have all the “sign up” returns back. The school will be unable to guarantee friendship groups and will endeavour to create balanced even groups. I will ask for your patience with this task.

Safety and Wellbeing of all on site

As the safety of all on site is our priority no pupils should be sent to school if they feel unwell.

The school will aim to take the external temperature of all pupils on arrival to the school using distance thermometers. If a high temperature is recorded (above 37.8C) then the pupil will be isolated and parents called to take the pupil home.

Any pupils feeling unwell during the day will be isolated and parents called to take them home.

Although the guidance received from the Welsh Government does not recommend the wearing of masks, pupils and staff are welcome to wear one if they wish.

Should a pupil wish to speak with a member of staff about a worry or a concern that they have, our pastoral staff will be on hand as usual throughout the day.

Uniform and Equipment

There will be no school uniform for the remaining 4 weeks of term, pupils should wear sensible, comfortable clothes similar to our non-uniform days, these should be suitable to wear outside during breaks as well as during adapted PE sessions without the need to get changed. During wet weather an outside coat is important as well as sun lotion when it is very hot.

All pupils will need to bring their own pens, pencils etc. and not share them with others


There will be no school food available; all pupils should bring their own snacks, lunches and drinks. They will not be permitted to leave the site to go to the shop. Please do not send items containing nuts due to a number of our pupils having allergies.


As mentioned previously, school PATS coaches will not run. We have not had details of whether the Local Authority free transport will run and I will pass details of this on as soon as I get it.


As you would expect, behaviour around school is very important. The Maelor School will send home pupils who do not behave to an acceptable standard, this includes not following school rules regarding social distancing.


If you don’t send your child to school.

The decision to send your child to school is entirely at the parents’ discretion, there will be no phone calls, fines or loss of attendance statistics if you choose that your child would rather not attend at the moment.

The Maelor Sixth

Year 12 pupils will receive a more bespoke lecture style timetable throughout the week, they may have to be prepared to arrive and leave school at differing times to their friends. They too will be expected to be in small class sizes and “socially distance” when not in class. Separate details and a signing up form will be available for Yr. 12 over the next few weeks.

Before and After School

The facility to supervise pupils from 8.00am before school and up to 5.30pm after school will be available but it must be booked in advance using the same form detailed above. Pupils will remain socially distanced. This will be run as a supervised childcare provision, extra work will not be provided.

Online work

The online work will continue throughout the 4 week period, the in school sessions are designed to complement this. Almost all staff will be in school working with the pupils therefore responses to online work and feedback will be completed only when the staff members are able to.

Why don’t you do live online lessons?

The school received guidance not to teach online lessons, I understand that this is being reviewed. We await clarification as a matter of urgency. Following feedback from a number of parents and pupils we are working on making our online lessons more interactive and increasing the amount of explanations available.

Year 6 and Year 11

We are hoping to have transition days for both these year groups. Once we receive the “go ahead” I will provide further details.


The school is creating a rigorous routine of cleaning that will include each of the rooms used for working in. Toilet and commonly used areas will be cleaned more often throughout the day.

Visitors and enquiries

The reception area will only be used if agreed in advance over the phone with the school. Please phone the school on 01948830291 if you need to come into school. We will be unable to see parents who arrive without a prior appointment.


Pupils that may be vulnerable

If you have any queries or comments regarding the safety arrangements put in place, particularly for pupils who have an underlying health condition or for those who are of BAME heritage please email me at [email protected]

to discuss.


What now?

Please use the above form to book a place at the school provision. If you have a question please direct it via email to the following:-

For financial, transport or buildings matters please contact : [email protected]
For Sixth form concerns both wellbeing and curriculum based : [email protected]

For Wellbeing or child protection concerns : [email protected]

For KS4 curriculum , options or exam queries : [email protected]

For Key Workers provision, KS3 Curriculum, or any general question : [email protected]

For ICT support, HwB passwords etc :-[email protected]


Many thanks


Simon Ellis