Returning to school Monday 6th September

Returning to School Monday 6th September.
We are really looking forward to welcoming our pupils back to school on Monday 6th September.
Please look at the new bus timetable for Pat’s Coaches which is available here:-
We have had to make some route and time changes to ensure that the buses run efficiently and at lowest cost to parents.
As per the Welsh Government Guidance – All pupils must wear a face covering on school transport.
Covid Restrictions
In light of the guidance most of the previous restrictions within school have now been lifted. Face coverings are not required in lessons but if pupils wish to wear them, they may. The pupils will not be in bubbles or restricted in rooms. We will still be encouraging good hand hygiene and hand sanitiser will be available in each room. We will also be expecting pupils to use outdoor space to move between classrooms rather than the main corridor.
Unfortunately, it is going to take a little longer before we are going to be able to run the canteen as normal, we will be operating an “order in the morning and pick up at lunchtime” model as we were before the summer.
Pupils should not attend school if they are displaying covid symptoms, it is recommended that they obtain a PCR test as soon as possible.
The Welsh Government are recommending that pupils continue to conduct lateral flow tests twice per week. These can be obtained from the community or from form tutors at school.
Parent App.
An invitation to join the school Parent App will be sent out to all early next week.
I’d like to thank the whole school community for the support and adaptability during these difficult times.
Simon Ellis