Learning Resource Centre

Our Learning Resource Centre (LRC) opened in July 2011. The conversion of the former gymnasium has provided the school with a fantastic modern facility fitted out with all new furniture and shelving to create a welcoming environment for our pupils/students and staff. There are a range of resources and services available, all aimed at encouraging reading for pleasure and supporting independent learning. The LRC operates an open access policy throughout the day and is managed by Mrs A. Stewart, who are available to provide any assistance required.
Opening hours are from 9:00am – 3:30pm daily
Over 9,000 items (mainly books) divided into:
- Fiction – a variety of genres, popular authors /series, classic novels
- Non-fiction – a range of subjects supporting the curriculum and general interests, also an extensive reference section
- Quick reads – including graphic novels, Manga titles
Computers – 54 networked computers with printing facilities (colour and black + white). A booking system is in operation for use during breaks and lunch times.
Careers Library – a dedicated section providing a range of resources relating to specific career/job information, apprenticeships, further/higher education prospectuses and course details.
There is also a Careers Office situated near reception. Staff from Careers Wales use this room when visiting school to conduct advisory interviews with pupils. The Careers Wales web site can be accessed on the school network.
All members of the school community are automatically members of the LRC. Pupils in Years 7 to 11 may borrow up to 2 books for 2 weeks.
Sixth form students and staff may borrow up to 4 books for 2 weeks.
Books may be renewed for a further 2 weeks if required.
We do not charge any fines, but we may ask for a contribution towards replacing any books that are lost or damaged beyond repair.
LRC Events
Various events are held throughout the year e.g. Book Fairs, Author Visits.
The LRC also supports whole-school initiatives to improve literacy e.g. Readathon, World Book Day, Peer Reading Scheme.
The LRC also attracts a lot of visitors during the school’s Open Evening held annually in October.
The LRC is also available to be booked by other departments in the school, as it provides an ideal venue for hosting talks from guest speakers e.g. as part of the Welsh Baccalaureate course for Sixth Form students.