
The governing body of The Maelor School seek to ensure that this policy allows all to dress appropriately and safely for school, that the uniform is cost effective, and that the pupils are smart and portray a positive image of the school. It isn’t possible to legislate for all changes in products / fashions available, and as such, they have given the leadership team of the school the right to intervene where pupils do not portray this smart, positive image.
Equality and Diversity
Our uniform is non-gender specific. The school is respectful of all faiths and where specific faiths require alterations to the uniform and appearance code, we will do our best to accommodate those needs. Students with a disability, who may need amendments to the uniform, will be accommodated. Parents are advised to contact the Headteacher.
Items are available from our uniform supplier – Sarah’s Embroidery, Penley. You can purchase from the shop on Penley Industrial Estate or you can order by phone, by post or via the internet.
Navy blue with badge.
Plain white long sleeved cotton or poly-cotton shirt with collar (dress uniform – must have a top collar button that can be fastened). Optional for summer - a plain white short sleeved cotton or poly-cotton shirt with collar (a polo or sports style is not permitted).
House Tie
Each form is allocated to one of the five school houses. The school tie has a stripe of one of the house colours in it e.g. Powys has a purple stripe. Please purchase the tie assigned to your child’s form. The house tie should be worn properly (not shortened).
Grey tailored trousers regular fitting (large buckle belts are not permitted.) or tailored grey school shorts. Jeans, cords or leggings are not permitted.
Grey skirt, worn without being rolled up or shortened, approximately knee length.
Navy V-necked pullover may be worn beneath blazer in cold weather (sweatshirts, hoodies and cardigans are not permitted).
Polishable black low heeled shoes or polishable all black (no logos) trainers (not fabric or canvas) should be worn.
Outdoor Coat
A plain outdoor coat or jacket is required.
Jewellery/Make-up/ False Nails
Those pupils who have had their ears pierced may wear one small stud in each ear, no other piercings are permitted. Very discreet make-up is allowed but if it is thought to be excessive pupils will be asked to remove it. False nails are not recommended but where worn should be natural in both colour and length and not risk the health and safety of the wearer or others.
No jewellery is permitted.
P.E. & Swimming Kit
Navy & light blue reversible rugby top with school logo on
Navy & light blue sweatshirt with school logo on
Navy & light blue polo top with school logo on
Navy & light blue skort
Navy & light blue shorts
Navy & light blue knee length sports socks
Football boots
One piece swimsuit/trunks, towel, swimming cap and goggles
We recommend a mouth shield should be worn for Hockey and Rugby