Pupils & facilities at The Maelor School

Year 10 Information Evening for Key Stage 4 (GCSE) Curriculum

Year 10 Information Evening for Key Stage 4 (GCSE) Curriculum(Posted on 09/11/17)

We have arranged an informative evening for all yr 10 parents detailing the changes to the curriculum and how you can help your child, the details have been sent home as a letter today as follows:

We would like to extend an invitation for you to join us at our Key Stage 4 (GCSE) information evening.  As the structure of GCSEs have changed considerably over the last twelve months, we would like to use the evening as an opportunity to provide an overview of how the new academic year will look, discuss programmes of study and their subsequent methods of assessment.


We will accompany our presentation with a guidance booklet which will include a list of recommended resources and website links, revision and examination tips, as well as information on how to support your son/daughter through their GCSE studies.


The evening will begin at 6.00pm and should be concluded within an hour.  Please can you confirm your attendance by returning the reply slip to your son’s/daughter’s form tutor by no later than Tuesday 14th November.  We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 16th November at 6.00.p.m

Yours sincerely

Dyfan Williams

Assistant Headteacher

Pupil name and form:



I/We will be able/unable to attend the Year 10 Information Evening for Key Stage 4 (GCSE) Curriculum on Thursday 16th November 2017.